Tuesday 7 May 2013

Help me be thin

 How you can have your cake and still lose weight


Dear Frustrated Dieter,

Sure, you can lose weight following a strict diet, but unfortunately the research shows that you’ll gain it all back an probably putting up more. Do you have the following concerns:

1. Do you find it impossible to avoid all the tasty treats you love when you’re trying to lose weight?

2.Do you feel guilty and beat yourself up when you ‘crack’ and eat something you’re not supposed to?

3. Wouldn’t You Love To SATISFY Your Cravings WITHOUT SABOTAGING Your Diet?

4.  Do You Hate Depriving Yourself Of The Foods You Love As Much As I Do?

5. Were you shocked to find out that A Lot Of So-Called “Healthy” Dessert Recipes Aren’t healthy At All?

6. Do you know that Diet’s that deprive you of the foods you love are designed to FAIL?

7. Do you know that the only way to actually stick to any diet long-term is to be able to SATISFY your cravings WITHOUT SABOTAGING your diet?.

Two Choices

Here’s your two choices. You can continue…

Doing what you’ve always done, trying diet after diet, only to lose some weight then put it all back (and more)…Experiencing the feelings of guilt and shame whenever you ‘cheat’ on your diet…And avoiding the foods that make you happy and make you say, “OMG!” when you savor the very first bite in your mouth.


You can learn the secret recipes inside the Dessert Angel’s Heavenly Recipe Guide… … and regularly treat yourself to delicious, mouth-watering desserts that actually HELP you lose weight and make you blurt out, “I can’t believe this is good for me” as you happily dribble yummy crumbs all over yourself.

The choice is yours.

However, I can’t wait to help you end deprivation dieting for good and show you how to satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your diet!
You can have your cake and lose weight too! Click below for more details:


Helped Friend Overcome Emotional Eating

I have a close friend who is a very emotional eater. We had not seen each other for a while and she contacted me a while back to start training because she worked 3 jobs and only knew 1 crazy person who exercised in abnormal hours ( Me ) lol.
We started training which lifted her mood and her self confidence. I also inspired her to start eating healthier we traded recipes all the time and searching on line for healthy dessert recipes. When I came across Dessert Angel I knew I had struck jackpot. I made a few recipes for her including the Belly Fat Burning Brownies and Pumpkin Mousse Trifle. We now have cooking days once a fortnight making Dessert Angel Recipes and catching up So thank you Dessert Angel for getting our eating and friendship back on track.

Kylee Celik
Mildura, Australia

Thursday 18 April 2013

Help me be Thin

-  30 Days to Thin, Get the Body You Deserve


 Pro Ana Diet is effective
 There are thousands of diets in the market today. While few of them offer some decent results, most of them are a waste of your time and your money as they are not  

If you’ve ever needed a true or effective method to achieve your target weight loss, consider the Pro Ana Diet. While Pro Ana weight loss tricks are heavy in numbers, here’s a few example to get you started.

1)         Swallow two tablespoons of vinegar before each meal –  vinegar is designed to slow your metabolism. Gulp down two tablespoons before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so that you will be full. You simply won’t want to eat a lot. This is a top tip of pro ana diets.

2)         Drink black coffee (without cream)  regularly – Caffeine is one of the quickest and best ways to speed up your metabolism. If you drink at least three to five cups of coffee at day, you’ll find that you’re keeping your metabolism moving at an alarmingly high rate. As long as you don’t increase your caloric intake because of it, weight loss results will come fast.

3)         Cut your food up – Several small pieces of food will digest much faster than one large piece.

4)         Drink water instead of eating – When on a pro ana diet, water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking it will fill you up quickly, with a lack of calories and a full stomach, the end result is weight loss.   

Why Thinspiration program is the best solution for you

Many people are constantly being misled to use weight loss programs that are not effective in any way in the shedding of extra weight. Some of the programs have instead been known to have the converse effect. Instead of the users losing weight, most of them have resulted in gaining more weight. It is for this reason that Pro Ana decided to share her knowledge in weight loss by sharing her thinspiration program that she was able successfully to use herself and made a complete makeover in her life
Pro Ana tips on weight loss are as a result of well researched and proven methods that work for all those people who want to lose weight in a normal and healthy way.  The thinspiration program has been designed in a way that is effective and very safe for all who use it.

The pro Ana tips on the thinspiration program does not advocate for the ineffective approaches for weight loss such as the starvation diets, fad diets, and the ridiculous fitness diets. The thinspiration program was written to guide you on a safe and quick way of losing weight and body fat quickly without putting you in any harm.

If you are sick of being overweight and unfit, if you are tired of training in the gym without seeing any results, if you are not able to enjoy your life fully because you are overweight the pro Ana tips on her Thinspiration program is the best solution for you.

Benefits Derived from the Thinspiration diet

The pro-Ana Thinspiration diet program is the most effective way to lose weight in a healthy way. Whereas most of the other programs do not consider the health of the individual, this program focuses on methods that do not have any adverse effects on the health of an individual.

You will also be able to learn the most effective forms of exercises that will help you burn away any excessive fat in your body at the comfort of your body.

If the weight loss means that are used are ineffective and potentially harmful for the health, it will result in complications such as anorexia and Bulimia. The pro-Ana thinspiration program uncovers all the myths about the anorexia and Bulimia condition and provide guide and tips on how to avoid anorexia and Bulimia and how to live with it in case one is already affected.

The Thinspiration guide will help you get out of the vicious circle that traps you in the cycle of losing weight and then gaining it back after some time. You do not need to continue wasting money on other ineffective programs and trainers that offer only very little or temporary results. The program will assist you in determining the source for your weight problem so that you will be able to work on your weight problem from the inside.

With this program, you will start by making small concrete steps until you are fully on the road to perfect health. Such gradual changes will help in re-conditioning your brain to acquire the keys and conditions that will teach you the right ways to lose weight. This book will become your, guide, mentor, and friend. The guide will assist you in your road to recovery and the process of eating right so as to stay within your preferred weight. Click here to see more....